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National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), is a national high-performance computing and data analysis facility operated by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science.

NERSC Resources

  • Perlmutter: This is NERSC’s leading supercomputer, named after Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist Saul Perlmutter. It’s an HPE Cray system designed to support a wide range of scientific research with its advanced computing capabilities. (External Link)
  • NERSC-10: The upcoming NERSC-10 system aims to enhance DOE Office of Science workflows by integrating experimental data analysis and simulation, fostering new scientific discoveries. (External Link)
  • Community File System (CFS): CFS is a shared file system accessible across all NERSC computational systems2. It facilitates data sharing among users and systems with a focus on capacity and workflow management. (External Link)
  • HPSS Data Archive: The High-Performance Storage System (HPSS) is a sophisticated mass storage system utilized at NERSC since 1998 for long-term data archiving. (External Link)
  • Spin: Spin provides a container-based platform for users to deploy various network services, such as science gateways and databases. It utilizes Docker containers, allowing seamless access to NERSC’s systems and storage resources. (External Link)


All projects funded by the DOE Office of Science and require high performance computing support are eligible to apply to use NERSC resources. Projects that are not funded by DOE Office of Science but align closely with its mission are also eligible to apply.

To Apply:

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